Pillar 2: Economic Advancement

Goal 1

Activity 1: Following the approval of the establishment of the Sovereign Wealth Fund during HPPI, Government will now develop the implementation modalities for the Fund and seed the Fund within the HPPII period.

This will include asset sales or royalties collected from the sale of natural and mineral resources. This activity is in line with recommendation 3.2.4 from the Final Report with Recommendations from the High-Level Panel on the Namibian Economy (HLPNE). The initial framework is due in the second quarter of the 2021/22 financial year and some of the proceeds from the planned asset sales, amongst other unique sources of funding, will be considered as potential seed capital throughout the HPPII period.

Work Breakdown Structure


Activity Progress

Sovereign Wealth Fund framework for operationalization.

Sub Activity Description:

Finalise the framework for operasionalisation of the SWF by end of the second quarter of the 2021/22 financial year.
Start Date: 2021-04-01
End Date: 2022-03-31
Duration: 12
Status: Complete
Resource: Ministry of Finance, Bank of Namibia,
Responsible Entity: Ministry of Finance
Cost: 0

Activity Progress

Sovereign Wealth Fund funding mechanism approval.

Sub Activity Description:

Approve a funding mechanism for SWF which could include proceeds from asset sales or royalties collected from the sale of natural and mineral resources by end of the second quarter of the 2021/22.
Start Date: 2021-04-01
End Date: 2021-12-31
Duration: 12
Status: Complete
Resource: Ministry of Finance, Bank of Namibia
Cost: 0

Related Projects

Region: Countrywide
Sector: Economic
Project Progress

Pillar 2: Economic Advancement