Pillar 4: Infrastructure Development

Goal 4

Activity 1: Implement ‘Open Access Network’ infrastructure sharing regime in a bid to champion Universal Broadband Access by 2025.

The Information, Communications and Technology sub-pillar has seen some real progress during the HPPI period. Nevertheless , the exponential advance of ICT technology as a catalyst for innovation and economic growth calls for continuous investments into the sector. Low rankings in the Global ICT Index (118) and Global Cybersecurity Index (141) call for a targeted reform as we embark on the 4th Industrial Revolution. The pending Cybercrime Bill, the absence of open access guidelines, usage and affordability for rural schools, health facilities and public offices have undermined progress on e-services. Expand Coverage to Information & Communication Technologies will be achieved through the following Activities:

Work Breakdown Structure


Activity Progress

Establish a Special Purpose Vehicle to financing ICT infrastructure.

Sub Activity Description:

Start Date: 2021-09-01
End Date: 2025-03-31
Status: Ongoing
Responsible Entity: Ministry of Information and Communication Technology
Risk: Financial Risk, Resource Risk, Schedule Risk, Quality Risk

Activity Progress

Implement infrastructure sharing regulations.

Sub Activity Description:

Active sharing not implemented by licncees (like national roaming or MVNO’s or use of DTT Multiplexer) – CRAN is busy with an investigation after a complaint was raised that MTC does not want to allow or enter into a national roaming agreement – this investigation is at CRAN’s cost and the cost about N$ 3,000,000. Many more of such complaints are expected.
Start Date: 2021-04-01
End Date: 2025-03-31
Duration: 48
Status: Ongoing
Responsible Entity: CRAN
Cost: N$ 3 000 000.00
Risk: Financial Risk, Resource Risk, Schedule Risk, Quality Risk

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