Pillar 2: Economic Advancement

Goal 2

Activity 3: Unlock the economic potential of the Agricultural sector.

HPPII will promote and facilitate the infusion of private strategic investments into the agricultural sector, through a thorough review of the possibility of applying the PPP approach to all green schemes in the various regions of the country. The overall goal will be to improve output from said green schemes and attract private sector expertise and capital. This activity will contribute to the National goals of bolstering food security and self-sufficiency, while at the same time facilitating job creation and the strategic deployment of the limited assets at the Government’s disposal. These schemes hold the potential to unlock the production of high-value crops, contribute to the export market demands while creating thousands of jobs. The inclusion of the schemes into the priority list of PPPs to be developed by the PPP Unit shall be finalised in fourth quarter of the 2021/22 financial year.

Work Breakdown Structure

Activity Progress

Green schemes

Sub Activity Description:

The Green Schemes hold the potential to unlock the production of high-value crops, contribute to the export market demands while creating thousands of jobs. The inclusion of the schemes into the priority list of PPPs to be developed by the PPP Unit shall be finalised in fourth quarter of the 2021/22 financial year
Start Date: 2021-12-02
End Date: 2023-12-11
Duration: 2
Status: Not Started
Resource: Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reserve, Ministry of Finance PPP Unit
Responsible Entity: Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reserve
Risk: Covid-19 Associated Risk, Financial Risk, Resource Risk

Related Projects

Region: Kavango West, Zambezi, ǁKaras
Sector: Agriculture
Project Progress

Pillar 2: Economic Advancement