Pillar 3: Social Progression

Goal 3

Activity 4: Improved Nutrition

To Improve Nutrition across the country, the projects and activities outlined below will be undertaken.

Work Breakdown Structure


Activity Progress

Intensify deployment of Community Health Workers and conduct Targeted Outreach Programmes in the severely affected regions of Omaheke, Ohangwena, Kunene, Kavango West and Omusati Regions, to identify malnourished children, pregnant and lactating women and adults for Malnutrition treatment, throughout HPPII.

Sub Activity Description:

Recruit 100 community health workers in Omaheke. (October to December 2021) Procure 100 community-based health care kits (January 2022) Orientate 100 CHWs (February 2022) Deploy CHWs to different communities (February 2022) On the job mentoring and supportive supervision (twice a year, every year (2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)
Start Date: 2021-11-01
End Date: 2025-03-31
Status: Ongoing
Responsible Entity: Ministry of Health and Social Services
Cost: N$ 160,201,780
Risk: Financial Risk, Resource Risk

Activity Progress

Reduce institutional Malnutrition Case Fatality to less than 10% by 2025, by treating acutely malnourished children and pregnant/lactating women with therapeutic and supplementary foods at all health facilities, countywide

Sub Activity Description:

Procure Therapeutic and Supplementary Food and equipment [Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (800 boxes), Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food (1500 boxes), CMV (70 boxes), weighing scales (70, once off), height measuring boards (70, once off)] for all health facilities. (January to June 2022, 2023, 204, 2025) Print training materials and job aids. (January 2022) Train 140 Health Workers from paediatric wards in the clinical management of severe acute malnutrition. (once a year, every year: 2022, 2023, 2024, 20250) Conduct on-the-job mentoring and supportive supervision (once a year, every year (2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)
Start Date: 2022-01-04
End Date: 2025-03-31
Duration: 4
Status: Ongoing
Responsible Entity: Ministry of Health and Social Services
Cost: N$11,674,125.00
Risk: Financial Risk, Resource Risk

Activity Progress

Develop and promulgate regulations for micronutrient fortification of wheat, maize and mahangu flours, and regulations to control marketing of breastmilk substitutes by 2022.

Sub Activity Description:

Develop draft Regulations on the Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. (October – November 2021) Submit draft regulations to Ministerial PMDRC & ExCo. (December 2021 - January 2022) Submit draft Regulations to Cabinet, CCL, Legal drafters, Office of Attorney General. (February – March 2022 Submit draft Regulations to National Assembly / National Council (April – May 2022) Promulgate Regulations. (June 2022)01 June 202207 June 2022
Start Date: 2021-10-01
End Date: 2025-03-31
Duration: 9
Status: Ongoing
Responsible Entity: Ministry of Health and Social Services
Cost: N$200,000.00
Risk: Covid-19 Associated Risk, Financial Risk, Resource Risk, Schedule Risk

Activity Progress

Develop and promulgate regulations for micronutrient fortification of wheat, maize and mahangu flours, and regulations to control marketing of breastmilk substitutes by 2022.

Sub Activity Description:

Conduct stakeholder consultation to draft regulations for micronutrient fortification. (October – November 2021) Develop draft Regulations. (January - March 2022) Present draft regulations to stakeholders to build consensus on draft regulations. (April 2022) Submit draft regulations to Ministerial PMDRC & ExCo. (May 2022) Submit draft Regulations to Cabinet, CCL, Legal drafters, Office of Attorney General. (June – July 2022) Submit draft Regulations to National Assembly / National Council (August – September 2022) Promulgate Regulations (October 2022)
Start Date: 2021-10-01
End Date: 2025-03-31
Duration: 12
Status: Ongoing
Resource: MOHSS
Responsible Entity: Ministry of Health and Social Services
Cost: N$500,000.00
Risk: Covid-19 Associated Risk, Financial Risk, Resource Risk, Schedule Risk

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