Pillar 5: International Relations & Cooperation

Goal 1

Activity 6: Targeted Multilateral Diplomacy

Namibia will remain committed to strengthening the multilateral system as the best avenue for building consensus and problem solving for the shared challenges of humanity. COVID-19 has reaffirmed the critical role of international cooperation and collective action in addressing transnational threats to security and development. The United Nations and its Specialized Agencies are among the bedrock of multilateralism and remain indispensable instruments of cooperation amongst the Member States. To increase Namibia’s benefits from multilateral cooperation, the Government will re-align focus to proactively leverage technical cooperation in crucial areas of national interests such as the blue economy, climate change, agriculture, nuclear technology, environment, energy, education, logistics and ICT.

Namibia will remain steadfast in solidarity with the oppressed people of the world who remain under overbearing policies of aggression and economic sanctions. Freedom is non-negotiable. As a child of international solidarity, Namibia holds on to the conviction that freedoms denied to one are denied to all. Nambia renews her call to continue to support those people who are denied their rights to self-determination.

Work Breakdown Structure


Activity Progress

Targeted Multilateral Diplomacy

Sub Activity Description:

Namibia will remain committed to strengthening the multilateral system as the best avenue for building consensus and problem solving for the shared challenges of humanity. COVID -19 has reaffirmed the critical role of international cooperation and collective action in addressing transnational threats to security and development. The United Nations and its Specialized Agencies are among the bedrock of multilateralism and remain indispensable instruments of cooperation among the Member States. To increase Namibia’s benefits from multilateral cooperation, the Government will re-align focus to proactively leverage technical cooperation in crucial areas of national interests such as the blue economy, climate change, agriculture, nuclear technology, environment, energy, education, logistics and ICT. Namibia will remain steadfast in solidarity with the oppressed people of the world who remain under overbearing policies of aggression and economic sanctions. Freedom is non-negotiable. As a child of international solidarity, Namibia holds on to the conviction that freedoms denied to one are denied to all. Namibia renews her call to continue to support those people who are denied their rights to self-determination.
Start Date: 2021-09-20
End Date: 2025-03-31
Duration: 921
Status: Ongoing
Resource: Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation
Responsible Entity: Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation
Quality: N/A
Cost: 0
Risk: Covid-19 Associated Risk, Schedule Risk, Other

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