The Government acknowledges the critical role that execution, monitoring & evaluation and reporting (collectively referred to as “M&E”) plays in improving the delivery of public goods and services. Conducting good M&E provides indispensable information that can be used to improve programme planning, implementation and reporting. Lessons drawn from the HPPI Final Report, pertaining to implementation of the Plan include:

  1. Limited capacity within implementing agencies for thorough M&E function;
  2. Sub-optimal cost-efficacy in contract negotiations, time-management and reporting;
  3. The absence of a holistic Project Management approach to implementation; and
  4. Inadequate resourcing of the M&E function, a critical component for successful delivery of the HPPI.

These experiences and others necessitate a re-engineering in Government’s calibration to the M&E function. The M&E Chapter under HPPII therefore aims to maximize outcome and impacts and ensure cost-effective delivery. 

Pursuant to the Cabinet Retreat, convened by His Excellency President Dr. Hage G. Geingob in December 2020, clear priority themes emerged that require immediate consideration, to deliver improved public service for all Namibians. The Retreat acknowledged the need for the creation of “Delivery Unit(s)”, deliberated on the concept as a means to improving the implementation rate and resolved to consider the establishment of such a Unit. A professional level of execution capability and service delivery was identified as a key element to unlocking an effective  culture of M&E. 

The focus of the PDU will be the delivery of expected outcomes relative to the goals and activities of HPPII. This expectation will be achieved through the  crafting of project management plans for each of the goals under the five respective pillars. 

Further, performance dialogues and Improvement Plans on areas lagging behind, will be integrated into the Performance Management System of Ministers and Senior Government Officials, subject to Quarterly Reviews. Ultimately, progress reports will be further extended to citizens through the established communication channels. 

This Chapter outlines the establishment of a Performance Delivery Unit (the Unit/PDU) which is envisaged to meaningfully support planning, execution, augment monitoring & evaluation, closeout and reporting of key projects under HPPII. Given the focused nature of programmes contained in HPPII and the need for impactful implementation of an economic recovery plan, the success of the Plan will be dependent on the expeditious implementation of catalytic developmental projects, with a large multiplier effect.