Provide feedback and avail country Review Reports by multilateral organisations through public platforms and Ministerial websites.
Pillar: Pillar 1: Effective Governance
Develop a Citizen Satisfaction Survey (CSS) Tool and conduct a satisfaction survey once during the HPPII period, and accelerate implementation of Remedial Action Plans based on survey outcomes
The outcome of the 2017 Citizen Satisfaction Survey (CSS) pointed to an average performance rating of 54% (average of all the nineteen public service sectors). According to international public service standards, this rating is considered poor. According to public perception, government service delivery needs to be improved. In addition, the quality of service is not consistent across the fourteen (14) administrative regions.
Following on the Survey, the surveyed institutions were tasked to develop Remedial Action Plans (RAPs). We subsequently made a commitment to Cabinet to monitor and evaluate progress made with the implementation of the RAPs. Part of the process of this engagement is also to engage the stakeholders impacted by the survey with a view to assist and advice on the implementation of the RAPs.
The recently submitted progress report on the implementation of the RAPs points to slow implementation as well as non-compliance on the part of the surveyed institutions, which range from Offices/Ministries/Agencies, to Local Authorities as well as State-Owned Enterprises. The proposed assessment visits and engagements will cover a mix of institutions to get a broader perspective on service delivery impact and will involve public servants, political office bearers as well as the broader community and citizens.
Institutionalise Civic Townhall Meetings & convene meetings in all fourteen (14) regions every second year
In 2015 and 2019, the President undertook extensive Townhall Meetings and numerous sectoral consultations to obtain inputs and suggestions from stakeholders and to provide feedback on key issues of concern. These consultations were central in informing policy formulation, including the HPP. HPPII will build on the successes of this consultative and inclusive approach.
Enhance implementation & enforcement of Namibia’s regional & international treaty obligations, during HPPII period
Enhance implementation and enforcement of Namibia’s regional and international treaty obligations, during HPPII period
Improve ranking on the Corruption Perception Index from current position of 6 in Africa as measured by Transparency International
Strengthen institutional capacity of public procurement agencies
To strengthen the capacity of Public Procurement Agencies:
1. Optimize implementation of the Public Procurement Act (simplify procedures & issue Regulations)
2. Develop guidelines and criteria for emergency procurement and eligibility for exemptions
3. Institute Public Procurement Performance assessment mechanism & publish annually a consolidated performance Report (all Public
Enhance existing Whistle-Blower, Witness Protection legal framework.
To enhance the existing Whistle-Blower, Witness Protection framework, the following activities are to be undertaken:
1. Identify designated states and enter into agreements regarding Whistle-Blower and Witness Protection during HPPII period.
2. Enter into agreements with relevant institutions for provision of services to facilitate whistle blower and witness protection during HPPII period.
3. Progressively operationalise the Whistle-Blower Protection Act, 2017 and the Witness Protection Act, 2017 during the HPPII period.
Develop and implement the Second National Anti-Corruption Strategy & Action Plan (2021–2025)
To strengthen the national Anti-Corruption Mechanisms, Government Developed and Implemented the Second National Anti-Corruption Mechanisms with targeted focus on:
1 Strengthening institutional capacity at the Prosecutor General’s Office, NamPol and the Anti-Corruption Commission;
2. Increasing the level of political accountability through compliance with The Electoral Act, 2014;
3. Subscribing to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and/or review applicable laws governing the extractive industries including Fisheries and Forestry to improve transparency and deepen public trust.
Improve ranking on relevant dimensions of the Ibrahim Index on African Governance (IIAG) from the current Rank No. 7.
The IIAG looks at governance at a broad level, highlighting its importance across the areas of democratic and political governance and human/social development. Namibia scored 65.1 on the 2020 IIAG Index – a decrease of 3.5 points on the overall score in 2018, but with a notable improvement of 12.8 points on the Foundations for Economic Opportunity (62.7), Human Development (60.9), Safety & Rule of Law (69.6) and Participation & Human Rights (67.0) dimensions. The country also progressed in the social safety net (60.7) and protection of personal liberties (73.0). Despite improved scoring in Situation Analysis
some dimensions, the country’s’ overall ranking declined from Rank No. 5 to Rank No. 7 on the continent.