SDG: 3. Good Health & Well-Being
Intensify deployment of Community Health Workers.
Pursue activities that will accelerate the delivery of ultra-low cost housing in various regions of the country as a means to catalyze economic activity and simultaneously boost the construction sector

Electrify 213 New Schools and Health Facilities
Electrify 6,000 Rural and 13,000 Peri-Urban Households by the end of HPPII
Employment Impact Assessment

Replace existing Reservoirs and establish a Purification Plant at Rundu.
Develop Abenab aquifer and link it to the ENWC.
Sustain investments into the development bulk water and sewer infrastructure, so as to eliminate the remaining 483 bucket toilets, by 2022

Launch Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) awareness to increase hygiene through the community construction of latrines at household level in urban and peri-urban areas throughout the HPPII period.